Because it’s Valentine’s Day, I felt I should publish a love theme post. What greater love is there than God’s love?
No matter how wonderful it can be, we all know human love is flawed. Even in the strongest relationships, there will be moments of impatience. There will be the occasional unjustified anger. There will even be instances of unkindness. It’s because we’re human and why we need forgiveness.
However, we can’t judge God by this flawed love.
God is different to us. He doesn’t love us because we loved him first. He doesn’t love us because of our appearance. He doesn’t love us on the condition that we’re successful and doesn’t love us for our money. He doesn’t even love us because we have somehow earned it.
God is love and it's in his perfect nature to love us, regardless of our flaws. God’s love is forever and will never fade with time. He will never neglect us or grow bored with us. Love will never be a duty for God. God’s love is pure. It is whole and it is perfect.
And God loves you. Wholly and deeply and eternally. How awesome is that?
What are some little things that make you certain of God’s love?
Cultivating Faith
5 days ago
Bottom line - I'm forgiven.
God's love is agape love, something we can never achieve. At least, not here on earth.
The beauty of His creation - the joy of family - the still, small voice that speaks to me.
The older I get, the more I realize that God's love is faithful and unchanging. And I am SO very grateful for it!
GOD BLESS - Happy Valentine's Day!
I like the way that you are reminding us of God's Love. I just feel His Love
Absolutely, Lynda! God's love is so much more than we can ever imagine or give, the best Valentine's gift ever. :) What a beautiful rose photo, too! Happy V-day. :)
A love that is unlimited and accepting, a love like that is hard to comprehend. Susan
The tiny details that bear His fingerprints remind me of how great His love.
I found this from your WIP It blog - What fun to find a fellow crusader AND sister in Christ.
Yay God!
The evidence is in - God is the perfect Valentine! Who else can love unconditionally? Who else does everything...every act...every word...out of Love? Only God...
You know sister, I marvel at His love . . . there are truly no words to describe His awesome love. And why He would choose to love me, I'll never know, but I'm so thankful and eternally grateful that He has . . . so I daily surrender . . . laying my life down continually just as He did for me.
Love and hugs,
There is none greater than His love! It is awsome! I hope you had a great Valentine's day!
The small things...a friendly smile, a sunny day, a gentle breeze, a phone call from a friend...all these things tell me that I am looked after...
He did what nothing else could...He freed me....broke through the darkness...I am forever grateful.
So many, many things. I think of that Geron Davis song If Anybody Knows The Grace of Jesus, I Do. Yes. But, here's a small list.
my daughter
my husband and the love on his face each time he looks at me
my happy childhood
each fresh new day
the love of my own father
Just knowing how much I love my own children makes me realize how much God loves us.
Nice to meet you! Bloggers unite!
"God commends his love to us, in that, we being still sinners, Christ has died for us", Romans 5: 8.
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