I had a very good friend whose life was less than perfect. We’ll call her Becca. Her language was colourful, her habits questionable, her past mistakes regrettable. I invited her to church one time. She scoffed. She claimed the church was not a place where she belonged. She shuddered, not in distaste, but in fear.
“God will smite me the moment I walk through the doors,” she joked.
Of course, if that were true, then God would have obliterated the human race in holy fire and brimstone a long time ago. Becca didn’t realise she was no more terrible than the rest of us. She was no more unworthy than the holiest of saints. She didn’t know that it’s not about brownie points, punishment or perfection.
None of us deserve God's love.
None of us can earn His forgiveness.
But all of us belong in Him.
When we approach Him and ask for forgiveness for our wanderings, He won’t judge the filth under our nails, He won’t condemn us for the sludge in our darkest corners, He won’t smite us for our past. God will accept us as we are. He doesn’t hold back from us. He doesn’t wait for us to deserve His gifts. He doesn’t keep a tally or a scorecard. He blesses us with EVERY spiritual blessing in Christ (Eph 1:3).
Our God is an amazing God.
My Way
3 days ago
It is amazing how sin can make a person feel like the worst there ever was... I have heard many a person say that very thing. It is true as you said: there would be none left standing if, if her statement were true...
I hope she discovered the joy and peace of the Lover of our souls...
thankful for His amazing grace. so undeserved but so needed! we are made worthy through Him and because of Him.
Love to you Lynda!
Lyn, thank you for sharing this powerful truth! Blessings!
Yeah, he'd zap us all if that were true.
Don't give up - keep inviting her.
I thank Him daily for His
wonderful mercy and grace!
I pray your friend soon finds
Him as we have. She will never
regret it.
And I'm so grateful that He's been being very patient for many more to turn to Him...Blessings to you sister.
I love this post, we all need His grace. Our righteousness is filthy, right?
Very true Lyn...nice post.
N. R. Williams, fantasy author
Amazing! Indeed....I love this scripture. thanks for sharing and for caring for another's soul.
Patrina <")>><
I don't hear from my friend as much as I used to because she has moved away, but I still pray for her.
Excellent post to remind us of God's grace. Like Alex J said--God would zap us all if that were true. Every one of us has sins and are unworthy, but thankfully Christ's sacrifice on the cross has paid for every bit of that foul, dark black stuff!
It's a beautiful thing when we can recognize our own flaws, and truly appreciate the grace of God. You rock, Lynda!
I love this- its a great reminder for all of us when we are quick to judge. None of us deserves grace, hence the name.
Thanks for sharing!
Amen! So thankful for God's grace that covers it all!!!
I agree in the thanks for salvation! It's hard too, because even as a Christian when I have gone to new churches sometimes they aren't as welcoming as others. And what Alex said is so true : )
I was a Agnostic until July 2010 but something made me change, now I understand this post and I wish I believed sooner!
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