With the recent flooding we’ve had here in Australia, lives have been lost, homes destroyed, crops devastated. This has been a terrible time for many of us. It would be all too easy to blame God. He has the power to save us, so why doesn’t He?
In times of tragedy, heartache and misery, we have to remind ourselves that God has already saved us. He is in control and in all things He works for the good of those who love Him (Romans 8:28). He loves us too much to let us fall.
We may never understand why He protects us from some tragedies and not others, but we can trust that God will work even the worst of things for our good. Already we have seen the community come together to help those in need, we’ve seen amazing acts of bravery and selflessness. Though it might be hard to believe, many of us will forever be changed for the better.
Please pray for all the people who have been touched by the terrible floods, pray for those who grieve, and those who are on the verge of giving up. Pray that they find strength in God’s comfort.
Cultivating Faith
5 days ago
I have several other blogger
friends in and near Australia
and have been keeping up with
it all. My family and I have
been in prayer for the people
of Australia. Hope you and yours
are safe.
I've watched the shocking news with growing unease for many days now.
I have friends living in Queensland whom have lost everything. My heart simply breaks for them.
As I'm a kiwi, we feel it deeply when our Aussie cousins are in turmoil.
My family and I are fine. Luckily (blessed), we were not in the areas affected.
Ah Lynda, I am so sorry about the loss in your country. Those things are devastating, but can bring about change for the good such as those you spoke of who are coming together to help others in need and their bravery and selflessness. Praise God for those things that have happened. Praying for you and your country during this time of need and strength. I'm so glad that your family is ok.
It's so terrible when something like this happens, but thank you for the reminder that God is in control and works things out for the good. Praying continued blessings and safety for you and family, and for all those who so need God's comfort.
I too have been keeping up this terrible situation & tragedy. Praying for you and others. Proverbs 3:5-6
Yes I will pray, we do not understand tragedy. We know God is in control
Sending you my thoughts n' prayers!
Hi, I have a friend who has been in the thick of it Queensland, but Praise God she is safe, but without internet and probably power supply. She is also very sad and finds it hard to understand it all, as do I. But this blog puts so well, how we should be thinking, hard though it may be sometimes. Thank you for posting. God Bless - Nita.
Lyn, I have seen on the news here in the states about your terrible flooding issues. May God keep all in His protection and yes, He is in control. Blessings.
Thanks for sharing such wise words....
As I have been going through some difficulites in my own life recently, I am trying to trust God with it "all" and try not to have to understand "why". My Pastor just got done preaching through Job for six months....hopefully it will sink in. :)
It still breaks my heart to see your country suffering so much.
Lord, we pray you comfort and send your Spirit of peace to all the hurting ones in Australia.
In Jesus Name,
Lord, keep and preserve and renew the faith of those that despair. I pray for relief and hope for those who cry out to you.
Thank you so much for all your prayers. They make a massive difference.
I've been praying for those in Brisbane.
And God has already saved us where it matters.
When your town is devastated by a natural disaster it is so difficult to make sense of it. After being dramatically affected by the devastation of Katrina I can so empathize with the impact this can have. And I also understand your comment about being changed for the better. We have you all in our thoughts and prayers!
It's hard to totally understand the devastation of your country without being there. From what I have seen in the news, my heart breaks for you. May God be near, and hearts touched and turned toward Him.
Lyn, thank you for your recent prayers. Means a lot!!!
Hugs, JBR. Prayers continuing.
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