Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God— children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.
John 1:12-13 (NIV)
To be a child of God is to know that we belong to God, that we are dearly loved by God, and that we will inherit his kingdom.
To be a child of God is to know that we are God’s creation, that he chose the time and place of our birth, and that his individual plan for us began before even the world was born.
To be a child of God is to live refreshed and daily renewed in his Spirit. It is to be washed clean by Christ’s precious blood and to be set free from the shackles of sin and darkness.
To be a child of God is the greatest blessing we can know.
My Way
3 days ago
Hi Lynda,
Just this morning in church, the message was about having childlike faith. The gift of being God's CHILD is a blessing almost too wonderful to contain!!
I have the happiest picture in my mind - me, as a little girl, just crawling up into His arms, and having Him hug me and tell me, "I love you, precious one."
Your post reminded me of all the good things we enjoy as His children...
Thank you and GOD BLESS!
Ah, when we are His, we are a child of the King! Yes, being a child of God is the greatest blessing we can know!
Sharon, I love that image in your mind -- being cradled by God, knowing you are protected and loved. Beautiful.
Rita, isn't it so awesome?
It's just amazing to think of what a blessing this is! Thank you for your lovely post reminding us of how wonderful it is to be a child of God.
I am so glad you reminded us that we are A Child Of God...great
I think sometimes it's easier for me to know that God loves me, than it is to know that people love me. God's unconditional love knows no bounds!
Isn't His love wonderful?
It really is the greatest
It is the ultimate blessing to be a child of God! Amen!!!
Amen! There is not much that I can add to that.
Tossing It Out
Lyn, this is so very comforting Thank you dear for sharing. Blessings.
Thanks for leaving these precious comments. They mean so much to me :)
Amen! I can never praise Him enough for this blessing....
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