Countless stories have cropped up over the ages about those willing to sell their souls for something they desire, usually knowledge, youth, fortune or power. As Christians we would like to believe we would never do such a thing. However, is it possible to sell your soul without realising it?
Apparently thousands of gamers sold their souls to a gaming company. The company wrote the clause into their terms and conditions. Who ever shuffles through all that fine print? The company intended it as a light-hearted joke, but it made a very good point. You can read about it here.
So many of us sell our souls and we don’t even realise it. We neglect to read the fine print. We think it’s enough to attend church. We think it’s enough to believe in Jesus. We think we are saved if we are good people. But we are mistaken.
We deny God when we decide we don’t need Him. We deny Him when we think our actions alone can save us. We deny Him when we don’t include Him in our lives, when we toss Him down our list of priorities, when we fail to recognise his awesome greatness.
So, rather than pushing our Lord away, embrace Him and all that He offers. Remind yourself daily of His worthiness, His wonder, His amazing love. Give Him your soul, your mind, your body and your strength. He will keep you safe.
My Way
3 days ago
Yes, He is worthy!! Great point, how many sell their souls??
Yes, yes, yes, Lynda!
I am so grateful for my Father and His keeping of me!
i am having an hard time following the link!
Thanks, Missie, for letting me know about the link. It's all fixed up. (I'd even tested it earlier to make sure it worked! silly technology)
I am done selling my soul. My soul is for Him alone! Great post Lyn. Blessings.
Amen! What a mighty God we serve!
Oh, absolutely! I couldn't
agree more with everything
you've said here. Awesome!
What an awesome word! I am embracing Him!
I forwarded that link to my "gaming" sons...
Kids are so addicted to games nowadays. I limit my kids game privilege and internet usage. I think people think they could get away from doing things that are harmful to their salvation because they think that no one will know. As long as nobody sees what they're doing, they think they're 'safe'.
Sometimes we just let life get in our way of serving and following Him. It is so easy to get off on the wrong path, but may He guide us down the straight and narrow. Good post!
Rosebelle, the true person is often revealed by what they do when they think no one is watching. The thing is, the Lord is ALWAYS watching.
Awesome bit of reporting there. Great work. Whoever did that little bit of "so not funny" contract writing is messed up.
I've thought for a while though the amount of time that is so mindlessly spent on those games, and anything for that matter, is relatively "selling of the soul". Its too bad its not preached from the pulpit. I don't know where our ministers have been the last decades but somewhere along the line we have deffinatley lost track of the fire for our Lord.
Keep up the great work. Christy
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