On the long weekend my husband hired a wallpaper steamer with the aim of doing some much needed renovating. There are parts of the house that haven’t seen a fresh coat of paint for at least twenty years…maybe more. Nothing needs major repair, but oh my goodness, we need a new look.
So we steamed off the old metallic wallpaper in the bathroom, gave the walls a clean, filled in the cracks and gaps in the old walls and then rolled on a fresh coat of paint.
What an amazing difference that made. The bathroom looks clean again. It looks revived!
Just like our house, it doesn’t take much to gain revival in our lives. First we have to decide to do it. It doesn’t happen on its own. The wallpaper of our faith might start to peel off because of age or neglect, but it won’t fix itself.
Secondly, we need to make the time. If my husband and I had worked on the bathroom for only 5 minutes over the entire weekend, then nothing would have been achieved. We need the time to allow our faith to grow, the time to pray, the time to meditate on God’s word, the time to praise our Lord with joy and vigour.
Thirdly, we need to put a little muscle into it. Steaming off old wallpaper takes more effort than you’d think. My arms are aching! Reviving our faith which has grown dusty and tired also takes effort. Desire alone is not enough. Half-hearted attempts won’t get us far. Put your all into it!
And finally, pray. Allow God to change you. Allow God’s power to fill you. Ask for His help. Ask for His guidance. Ask for revival.
What did you get up to this long weekend? What are the things that help to bring a fresh perspective to your faith?
My Way
3 days ago
That is so interesting. The longer you draw it out the more painful it is. Spiritually, we avoid, distract and ignore what could be handed over to the Father. I had not thought about that. Just taking the time, instead of a little here and there is so much easier in the long run!
Hi Tracy, if all we can give is a little here and a little there, then that's ok. God will accept us regardless. But if we want revival, if we want our relationship with God to truly deepen and grow, then yes we need to nurture that relationship. And that takes time and effort.
Hi, Lynda~
What a beautiful thought to peel back the old layers of wallpaper in our lives and to have Christ Jesus renew us with a new coat of revival paint! PRAISE GOD!
Hi Dear Friend,
I love your analogy here. I came by earlier today and read this. You are sooo right on all points. Yes He does accept us regardless of a little here and there, but oh true revival comes when we surrender our will and live in His, when we dig deep into His Word and let it penetrate all throughout our beings, when we live it, breathe it and be still long enough to hear Him, to feel His presence and to be obedient at all times to Him. Oh what a mighty God we have. It is my desire to put Him first ALWAYS and then life unfolds from there...led by Him.
Yes, we are of flesh, but oh Father my flesh is yours. Use me for the purpose you put me on this earth for in every way, shape and form all for Your glory.
Thank you Lynda for such a powerful post. It put me in an instant praise mode to Him.
Hi Laura, Praise God indeed. And we have to rememebr that once we've done all that, our job is still not complete. We can't neglect the general maintenance.
Alleluiabelle, oh wow. Reading your comment brought tears to my eyes. I got caught up in your praise for our awesome God. It's so, so wonderful to just praise!!!
Amen! It's never too late to come to God for a faith revival. God is always willing. The question is, "Are we?" May my heart always be open to hearing from Him and accepting His renovation projects. Thanks for sharing!
That definitely is a question we need to ask ourselves, Alicia. Are we willing to do what it takes to gain a faith revival? All I can say is that it is sooo worth it in so many ways.
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